It’s that time of year again. Time to post the summary of the injuries and illnesses your employees may have had this year. The OSHA 300A annual summary must be posted by February 1. It’s a good time to make sure you have a current 300 and that it is filled out correctly.
There are a number of companies that will help you with it but the summary is not that difficult. Your requirement to log all injuries and illnesses can be a bit complicated but the form OSHA 300 which can be found at has all the instructions to fill the information out correctly.
Record keeping is one of the most tedious things that many businesses have to deal with on a regular basis but it is one of the easiest for an inspector to find and one of the most cited violations each year by OSHA.
Please take a few minutes today and make sure all of your injuries are logged on the OSHA 300 and that the summary for calendar 2011 is filled out and ready to be posted on February 1. The summary needs to stay in place until April 1, 2012.
Don’t hesitate to call the Association office if you have any questions or need some help in getting the forms filled out correctly.