Don Daily of Dublin, Georgia was this year’s recipient of the Southeastern Cotton Ginners Ginner of the Year. This award is presented each year to the cotton ginner in the Southeast that exemplifies what it means to be a cotton ginner.
Don grew up in the gin business. He often tell stories of going to gin shows when he was probably too small to go but went with his dad many times. His family has been ginning cotton for more than 100 years in some way shape or form. They have had water powered gins, steam, diesel and electric power plants as well. You can say it is in his blood.
Don went off to college at ABAC and Auburn and after a short time working outside of agriculture, his dad asked him to come help run the gin he was managing. That gin is now known as Modern Gin in Dexter Georgia. The business is Dexter Supply and has many diversified operations including grain and peanuts as well as a hardware store an of course the cotton gin.
Don and his wife Pam have two children all of which were able to surprise Don when he received his award. Congratulations to Don Daily of Dublin, GA for being the 2019 Southeast Cotton Ginner of the Year.