>Late in the last day of the Legislative session, the Georgia General Assembly has passed a very tough immigration enforcement and reform law in place. The Governor has given every indication he will sign whatever immigration bill the legislature sends him. There were some last minute wrangling in both houses with amendments that change compliance dates etc but we are looking at a bill that will require all private employees with 10 or more employees to participate in the E-Verify program.
Over the objections of members of both houses that the bill will cost the state millions in legal fees, lost taxes from cancelled conventions and will cause racial profiling, the bill passed both the Senate and House with strong majorities. It will be some time before we see final language and the rules. We will work with our Georgia members in the coming months and years as this bill gets phased in. Summaries will be sent out to our those GA ginners as soon as possible.
This will probably be our last blog post on this issue until we get a summary of all the changes made by both houses and we have a chance to summarize the bill as finally written. Our attention will now be focused on the AL legislature where the House has already passed a similar bill.