Successful Southern Gin School Held in Tifton, GA

One of the largest Southern Gin Schools in some time took place last week in Tifton, GA. For the first time in memory, the Southern Gin School took place somewhere other than Stoneville. Last year, Southeastern Cotton Ginners formally asked the National Cotton Ginners and USDA to look into the feasibility of holding a full gin school in our region. The pieces started falling into place late last year to hold the school in Tifton, GA utilizing both the Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College and the University of Georgia Facilities to teach the school with ABAC being the HOST facility in their brand new Ag Technology Building.

The nearly 125 students and instructors came from 11 states and 30+ gins. Southeastern Staff taught classes in safety and labor issues. Instructors from many vendors, suppliers, USDA and other organizations taught the bulk of the lessons. A HUGE Thanks goes to the all those instructors and especially UGA and ABAC for the use of the facilities and their staff for taking care of the students and instructors for the week.

NCGA and USDA only committed for one year. It will be back in Stoneville next year, but the success should allow having the school in the SE at some time in the future. Thank you to all the participated and all that were instructors.

  • Gin School pictures