Well, we’re a little behind in congratulating this year’s ginners of the year. We actually have two people to congratulate for this year. The Southeast Ginner of the Year for 2023 is Drake Perrow of Cameron, SC. We also have the National Ginner of the Year in our region and that recipient is Wes Morgan.
Drake Perrow was presented his award at the Southern Southeastern Annual Meeting in Hilton Head, SC back in January. Wes received his award at the National Cotton Ginners Annual Meeting held with the National Cotton Council meeting in February in Orlando, FL.
A very good article on all the National Ginners Award winners, including Wes Morgan’s award can be found here:
Drake Perrow is Partner and General Manager of Cameron Cotton and Seed in Cameron, SC. Drake’s father and uncle bought the small operation in the 70’s and Drake was brought in as a partner.
We are so proud of our members. We have great leadership in the Southeast and it shows in these two Ginners of the Year.