From time to time, we are asked to help our friends in USDA survey our members on a variety of issues. We’d appreciate your help in participating in two such surveys, a gin cost survey and a research priorities survey.
The gin cost survey is done every two to three years an doesn’t change much so that they may be compared year over year. You can download the survey from here. When you complete the survey, please email it to susan at or fax to 706-344-1222. Either is fine.
The second survey is to help USDA Ginning Labs develop and prioritize their research projects for the next several years. We are helping to gather this information and will forward to the USDA Labs for their consideration. This is the first time we’ve done this survey for the labs and sent it out in the Fall but had very little response. This very simple five question survey really will help the labs work on issues that are affecting you now and in the future. This survey is on Survey Monkey and can be found by following this SURVEY LINK.
One of the benefits of being in an Association is that your voice may be lifted and affect the industry as a whole. The total is often greater than the sum of its parts. We can have more influence on the way things go on many topics as a group than we can individually. We need your participation in these surveys to help the researchers hear what is important to us. Please take a few minutes to fill out these two important queries.
Give us a call if you have questions or problems following the links.