By now you’ve probably heard that significant changes to the farm program for cotton was made in the recently passed by congress. The changes were included in the disaster relief section of the bill and included fixes to both cotton and dairy. Beginning with the 2018 crop seed cotton will be eligible for PLC and ARC. There are also significant changes in that generic base will be converted to something else going forward.
Because producers are making planting and financing decisions right now or in the very near future, the National Cotton Council is scheduling a series of Webinars to explain the changes and the decisions that need to be made. The Council will also be using YouTube and other social media to get information out to producer and Ginners as quickly as possible.
Space will be limited on the webinars so the Council is encouraging gins to bring as many producers in to a central location and host the watching of the webinars at a single location. This will help facilitate the maximum utilization of the webinar resources. They splitting the webinars by region to help reduce the needed connections to each webinar.
The Webinars for the Southeast are:
Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina: 8-9:30 AM EST
Georgia, Alabama, Florida: 10:00-11:30 AM EST
Alternate date and time for all states: Monday February 26th at 11-12:30 EST
Connection information:
Conference Call-in: 1-800-377-8846 Participation code 19679613#
Please refer to the Council’s Facebook page: for additional information.