Below you will find a recent reminder from OSHA regarding the OSHA 300A reporting to the “Injury Tracking Application” or ITA. Gins with 20 or more employees (at any point) during the previous calendar year are required to submit their OSHA 300A summary information to OSHA each year.
OSHA uses this information for a number of things including national emphasis programs, regional emphasis programs and targeted inspections. They also use the information to build a baseline of the industry as a whole.
It is common for OSHA inspectors to review OSHA 300’s at the start of any inspection and now they look to see if a facility has submitted their data online prior to going to a site.
While the form itself doesn’t seem all that complicated there are a lot of nuances as to how to fill out the data that can make significant differences some calculations. It’s important that it is filled out properly even if you don’t have to file on the ITA because it gives inspectors a glimpse on your operation if they ever come to your facility.
We have asked Tracey Crawford with Safe Workforce Development to do a webinar on the OSHA 300 forms (300, 300A and 301) to help everyone stay on the same page stay in compliance. Fines for not having the forms and/or not reporting are getting steep.
Please Consider attending our FREE OSHA Record Keeping Webinar Next Week.. January 24 at 2 PM Eastern Time (1PM Central).
OSHA Injury Recordkeeping
- Completing OSHA injury and illness Recordkeeping Forms – Brief review of how to fill these out, when to complete them, how to count hours, what to post
- When is considered an OSHA recordable injury? – Brief overview of what is considered a recordable injury under OSHA definitions
- Reporting severe injuries to OSHA – what injuries, how quickly to report, what to expect afterwards
- Scenarios of injuries and incidents – Examples of when to and when not to record an injury
- OSHA’s online reporting system – Who needs to report, how to access the system, and what information you will need
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
We’ll see you on January 24th

OSHA is reminding employers to submit their 2022 OSHA Form 300A (Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses) data by March 2, 2023.
Who is required to submit Form 300A data?
- Establishments with 250 or more employees that are required to keep OSHA injury and illness records.
- Establishments with 20 to 249 employees in designated industries.
- Establishments under Federal OSHA jurisdiction can use the ITA Coverage Application to determine if they are required to electronically report their injury and illness information to OSHA. Establishments under State Plan jurisdiction should contact their State Plan.
How to submit Form 300A data:
As part of the Department of Labor’s IT modernization and security enhancement efforts, the Injury Tracking Application transitioned its login procedure to — a secure sign-in service used by many government agencies. Current and new account holders need to create a Login.govaccount to submit their 2022 injury and illness data. Detailed guidance on how to carry out this change is available as a job aid and video.
If you have questions, visit the FAQs webpage. If the FAQs don’t address your questions, complete the Help Request Form located on the page. Thank you for your cooperation.
Office of Statistical Analysis
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
U.S. Department of Labor