OSHA 300 Forms and Online Reporting

OSHA announced last year in a rule-making that OSHA 300A summary forms would need to be submitted electronically by all large business and all small businesses in certain categories. Gins fit in the latter. The deadline for the 2016 data to be submitted is going to be July 1 of 2017. Several members have called recently to know where to submit their data. As of today, the site for online electronic submittal isn’t live. The OSHA website says the portal will be live sometime in February, 2017. I wouldn’t expect it until the end of the month but they’ve surprised me before.

The OSHA 300 form (and accompanying 300A, and 301) are forms that all businesses covered by OSHA must maintain to track their work related injuries and illnesses. The form’s summary (300A) must be posted by February 1 of each year and maintained in a visible location until the end of April that year.

You should also have 5 years of 300 forms in your file. The only data that will be submitted to OSHA when the site goes live will be the data for 2016. For small businesses, only the 300A data will be submitted but larger businesses will be submitting the more detailed 300 and 301 forms.

We will post on this blog when the site is live and but in the meantime, don’t forget to post the 300A form in a visible location at your business (where most of your posters are is normal) and check to make sure you have your five years of forms in your files. Association safety staff Andy Knowlton can help if you have questions.