Passing of Fred Powell

It is with deep sadness that from time to time that we let our membership and friends know of the passing of one of our members. This is one of those times. Fred Powell with The Cotton Gin in Lenox, GA passed away on Saturday

Fred was a long-time member of this organization and a friend to all. He was well liked among ginners across the region and was well respected for his agronomic skill and understanding the way cotton grew. He was always the person I would turn to when yields were better or worse than expected. He would always call during the growing season to let me know what EXACTLY was going on with the crop. He loved ginning cotton and it showed whenever he would be around the gin.

Not only was Fred a long standing member of the organization he served as a board member whenever the opportunity arose. He never had a problem letting us know when he didn’t agree with a path we were taking nor did he hold back when he thought we were doing well. I will truly miss Fred’s counsel.

Funeral services for Fred will be tomorrow, June 11, 2024. Full obituary information below.

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