Welcome Andy Knowlton to Southeastern Staff

Southeastern Cotton Ginners has a long history of assisting our members on any number of issues they face. To help with these efforts, many years ago, the board has felt is was vital to have staff in the field working with our members on technical and safety related subjects. We would like to welcome the newest member of our field staff, Andy Knowlton.Andy Pic 1

Andy is a native of Georgia and graduated from Pierce County High School in 1995. He received an Associate degree from Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College and an B.S. in Mechanical Engineering Technology from Georgia Southern. Andy worked with the University of Georgia Biological and Ag Engineering Department in various capacities over several years both while attending ABAC and following graduation from Ga. Southern.

For the past several years, Andy has been in charge of running the micro-gin at the UGA experiment station in Tifton. Andy has worked with some of the gins in the area through his work at the micro-gin and has met several ginners from across the country as he has gone through all levels of USDA/NCGA Ginners Schools attending schools in Lubbock and Stoneville.

Over the next several months, Andy will be working and traveling with current loss control manager Barry Nevius as he learns the area and our members. You will be seeing Andy as he gets familiar with the region and/or travels with Barry and during our state-unit safety meetings in September.

We are pleased that Andy has come to join Southeastern Cotton Ginners Association and look forward to growing our expertise in safety and technical services.